
Much like the individuals and organisations we support, we are a small and efficient group of passionate experts.

Bound together by a collective desire to support people to make positive change — sankalpa is a community interest company, managed and coordinated by a team of six. We share our knowledge, networks, funding and skills with individuals and small organisations — supporting innovators to become changemakers.

Ruth Layton, founder & director — sankalpa

Ruth Layton

Founder & Director

As the founder of sankalpa Ruth is at the heart of our evolution.

Through her work, Ruth has developed extensive expertise and a global reputation for advancing animal welfare within the food sector. Ruth’s experience and her passion for food sustainability, in both local and global contexts, continues to shape economic, ethical and environmental policy and strategy.

BVet Med MSc (Transpersonal Psychology) DWEL MRCVS

After a lifetime of building and growing my own food sustainability business, I am now in a position to share what I have learned with others. For me, sustainability is about all kinds of people, all kinds of animals and our care for the environment which sustains us. Setting up sankalpa has allowed me to apply the expertise I have developed in the food sector outward to a broad framework.

My understanding of the necessity for humans to develop, to see ourselves as part of a whole rather than as an individual, has been magnified through my studies in consciousness, spirituality and transpersonal psychology. Growing the vision of sankalpa with a likeminded community, and experiencing the positive impact and changes made in practice, is truly inspirational.

Becky Adams, Finance — sankalpa

Becky Adams

Finance Coordinator

With a key role in the grants process — Becky deals with the project co-ordination and financial side of sankalpa, while also working closely with Oxfordshire Community Foundation and other partners.

Becky is a fully qualified financial planner and a director of a successful financial planning firm. It is her enjoyment of meeting and working with both new, and inspirational, people that led Becky to work with sankalpa.

Through the promotion and support of projects that aim to develop communities and enrich people’s lives, sankalpa ensures that ideas and visions that may otherwise not be nourished are realised.

Georgina Barrett

Georgina Barrett


Responsible for coordinating both the communications and operational aspects of sankalpa, Georgina also works alongside fund recipients — helping them to improve operations, determine their direction, set strategic goals, and use their funds to best effect.

A natural collaborator and facilitator, Georgina is experienced in supporting charitable and commercial partners to deliver innovation and improvement projects.

Supporting individuals who are a force for good — those who are actively regenerating our natural world and local communities — is a hugely rewarding responsibility.

Rob Layton, Director — sankalpa

Rob Layton

Director & Financial Advisor, Projects

When required, Rob audits sankalpa funded projects, reviews individual project finances and advises changemakers on how best to develop their financial reporting.

Rob’s career as a management consultant began with one of the Big Four auditors — KPMG.  After finishing his MBA, Rob worked in the aerospace industry, where he travelled significantly in order to support businesses worldwide. In 2000 Rob became a freelance management consultant, focussing on business and financial planning, advising organisations both large and small.

MA, MBA, MA (Phil)

It is wonderful to be able to help sankalpa supported organisations with their financial planning and reporting — particularly when it is not their core focus, but important nevertheless.

Tori Smith, Finance — sankalpa

Tori Smith

Project Coordinator

Tori deals with the administration of support applications, working closely with our changemakers to ensure the application and review process is seamless.

Tori has a financial planning diploma and is a key part of the grants team, working alongside Becky.

It is extremely rewarding to be involved with the changemakers and be able to support and help people achieve such extraordinary ideas for the world.

Alex Tomlinson, Director & Changemaker — sankalpa

Alexandra Tomlinson


Alex’s background is in veterinary practice and wildlife health. With an ever increasing interest in land management and its effects on the entire ecosystem, including humans, Alex has a particular passion for ethical food production – using ways that harness the resilience of, and respect for the natural world.

MA Vet MB MSc PhD Dip ECZM (Wildlife Population Health) MRCVS

sankalpa feeds, nourishes and nurtures people’s ideas to bring about real and lasting changes.

sankalpa is a model, a concept, or a ‘vision in action’ of how to make the most of money – in terms of maximising tax breaks, minimising administrative costs, but also in terms of groundwork to establish that the right people are being supported in a wide variety of specific projects.

sankalpa invests in people.

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