Researching resilience in local agri-food systems — sankalpa supported activity

Researching resilience in local agri-food systems

Germany & UK

Investigating, developing and contributing to pathways and strategies that improve long-term resilience and reduce vulnerability within local agri-food systems.

The outcome of this Coventry University study aims to broaden and improve approaches to resilience research, by working in partnership to create outcomes that can be used by food organisations, funding bodies, and local government.

Supporting the study

Through the financing of university fees and living costs, sankalpa is supporting researcher, Emma Burnett, to undertake an investigation into how self-organisation, cooperation and competition work in local food systems in the UK and Germany

Food practice and academic research don't always align, however this unique five-year study is driven by questions from practitioners. The outputs will aim to address practical questions and provide a steer towards better, long-term practice.

Once the study is complete, the results and recommendations will be made available to local food organisations, funding bodies, and local government. Dissemination will be both academic and non-academic; through a combination of policy recommendations, workshops and outreach.

sankalpa is keen to see food-centred academic research translated into practical outputs for on-the-ground practitioners. Academics are keen to do the same, but often get lost in the woods. 

This partnership is the perfect way to bring my theoretical work into practical use. The people who work with sankalpa are extremely positive, helpful and hopeful for the future, which is a nice change. It’s so easy to sink into despair — sankalpa makes you feel positive about the work you do and its potential for the future!

Emma Burnett, Researcher — Coventry University

In order to adhere to planetary boundaries, good practice needs to be cooperative rather than competitive, and people and organisations need to be supported to improve and share skills, tools, and practices. The research I’m doing acknowledges that food and agriculture are entrenched in — and dependent on — functional ecosystems.

Emma Burnett, Researcher — Coventry University
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