Ayurveda Corner Yoga Retreat (2)

Yoga Retreat

Italy & UK

Far away from the distractions and responsibilities of daily life, a group of Ayurveda Corner students headed to Italy to focus entirely on their own well-being.

The week-long Tuscan retreat, offered students the opportunity to deepen and develop their own personal practice of yoga, meditation and self-enquiry.

Supporting Ayurveda Corner

In 2018, sankalpa provided partial bursaries which enabled two Ayurveda Corner students to attend a week long yoga retreat in Tuscany. 

The financial contributions were provided to individuals who would not otherwise be able to attend; Abbas Naji — a mental health and homelessness charity worker and Silvia Storchi — an independent researcher working in rural communities in Kenya and South Africa.

sankalpa is more than a helping hand. It shines a light on the positive values and contributions within a society that so often go unnoticed, or are abused and taken for granted. sankalpa provides opportunities for compassionate projects to grow, to interconnect, and in time flourish. The world needs more guardians like this — who can identify worthwhile causes, and elevate them to a wider reaching position of effectiveness. There is a lot of love and trust that comes from sankalpa, and in turn, more love and trust is offered out into the world.

Laura Hancock, Ayurveda Corner
Ayurveda Corner Yoga Retreat (1) Ayurveda Corner students, Silvia and Abbas

The retreat provided an incredible safe space where I was able to let go of tension, recharge and express myself freely. I left the retreat with a new sense of wholeness, empowerment and agency, and the embodied experience that support is always out there whenever needed. I am very grateful for the opportunity.

Silvia Storchi, Yoga Retreat Participant

Being calm and collected in my own thoughts, as well as having the capacity to empathise with a wide range of people, is essential for me to fulfil my role as a support worker and to truly help my clients. Before the yoga retreat, my capacity was certainty running on empty. Being able to just be, providing space to reflect and process the past year, in a supportive and peaceful environment, has had real positive effects on my own well being and my ability to care for my clients since returning.

Abbas Naji, Yoga Retreat Participant
Ayurveda Corner Yoga Retreat (3)
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