Defend The Sacred, Book (4) — sankalpa supported activity



A meeting of international activists gave rise to the manifestation of a book; Defend the Sacred. The meeting which took place at Tamera, a peace research and education centre in Southern Portugal, brought together individuals from fields including human rights, water protection and peace building.

Defend the Sacred present a shared vision from people across the world. The book's topics include ending fossil fuel dependence, healing natural water cycles in cooperation with ecosystems and animals, and transforming economic structures from systems of extraction to systems of giving.

Supporting Tamera

With the support of sankalpa, the book was published in February 2019 as a culmination of hope, courage, self-organisation, compassion and deep humaneness. 

By sharing their search for a source of effective life protection, the protagonist voices represent a force to be heard and recognised.

Defend The Sacred, Book — sankalpa supported activity

sankalpa has a high goal of creating change by relying on personal contacts. Global issues and personal integrity are coming together, this is my main impression of sankalpa. ‘Humaneness’ is the word which describes it best.


Defend the Sacred, tomorrow

The ambition is that the book will lead to new ideas of how to effectively organise a movement for both improved human relations, especially between men and women, coupled with clear notions of how to protect life and resources: water, soil, trees, oceans and climate. 

With the hope that the inspiring contributions within the book will ignite a movement which no longer fights against the existing but builds the new. Through following a dream of being grounded in connectedness with Mother Earth embedded in a ‘planetary community’ of kindred spirits.

Defend The Sacred, Book (2) — sankalpa supported activity Jugend Ati
Defend The Sacred, Book (3) — sankalpa supported activity Tamera Beach
Defend The Sacred, Book (5) — sankalpa supported activity
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