Suzanne Rogers and Jo White, HBCA — sankalpa changemakers

Human Behaviour Change for Animals


This social enterprise combines animal sector expertise with the theory and application of human behaviour change, to offer a unique specialism in animal health, welfare, protection and conservation.

The team undertake research and run training programmes, they also provide consultancy services and bespoke training for organisations such as Cat’s Protection, the UK’s largest feline welfare charity and PDSA, the UK’s leading vet charity.

Image of Suzanne and Jo taken by Jo-Anne McArthur, Unbound

Supporting Human Behaviour Change for Animals

sankalpa has supported HBCA through a combination of one off funds, networking, mentoring and fixed term funding for core costs.

Noting a clear opportunity to share HBCA’s work across farming and aquaculture, sankalpa supported the delivery of an interactive training workshop for senior leaders based within two international companies — Benchmark Plc and FAI Farms

Following the success of the initial sankalpa supported sessions, HBCA collaborated with FAI farms on a piece of work funded by both sankalpa and Open Philanthropy. Working with a group of Brazilian farmers and stakeholders, the project supported farmers to lead on improved welfare standards for hens.

When HBCA reached a point where they needed support to enable them to focus on developing their business — we arranged a mentoring partnership with FAI co-founder Roland Bonney and provided the team with fixed-term funding to outsource their administration and communications.

So many grants do not cover core costs, so it is tempting to plan work around available funding, rather than develop in a strategic way. There’s a common thread with organisations like ours; you have a fantastic idea about doing something for the greater good, but it’s hard to keep energised and innovative when you’re also managing all the day-to-day activity.

sankalpa has linked us to fantastic people and has taken a lot of weight off of our shoulders. By funding staffing costs, sankalpa has given us the time to do things the right way — to drive HBCA forward in the field as opposed to shoehorning ourselves into the sector. 

Suzanne Rogers, Human Behaviour Change for Animals​

Human Behaviour Change for Animals, today

Providing core funding allowed HBCA founders, Jo and Suz, to concentrate on strategy, research and developing the future of their business.

In addition to holding workshops in 'Creating good habits' and providing a broad selection of online training sessions, the team provide consultancy for organisations across the world — from Cambodia to Romania.

HBCA recently worked with PDSA on the development of a vaccination campaign. This involved surveying PDSA staff on existing opportunities and barriers, and providing client-facing staff members with webinars to introduce both the concepts, and application, of human behaviour change.

Suz and Jo have been fantastic to work with as we’ve introduced the concept of HBCA to our educational campaigns, beginning with exploring different ways to tackle the decline in vaccination rates. They’ve been flexible, creative and engaging, and I’d thoroughly recommend getting HBCA involved when planning and executing your next behaviour change initiative.

Vicki Betton, Policy & Campaigns Manager —​ PDSA
Human Behaviour Change For Animals (HBCA) (1) — sankalpa supported activity

sankalpa is a source of inspiration and motivation to people who are trying to change the world. They understand exactly what we are doing and why, and they have been very supportive in exploring the potential ways that we can collaborate. The unique sankalpa approach — the focus on developing trusting relationships  — presents us with an exciting opportunity to make a great impact.

Jo White, Human Behaviour Change for Animals
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