Good Food Oxford (2) — sankalpa supported activity

Good Food Oxford


A growing network of 140+ organisations, working together to encourage more joined-up thinking, research and policy around food issues — to create a better food system in Oxford.

Founded in 2013, the team bring together individuals and institutions to identify and instigate the promotion of healthy, fair, ethical and environmentally sustainable food for Oxford. Winners of the 2018 Food Cities Bronze Award, Good Food Oxford is a member of Sustainable Food Places, an initiative that supports cities to improve their food systems through cross-sector partnerships.

Supporting Good Food Oxford

With minimal staffing and reliance on volunteers, sankalpa provided the organisation with two years of core funding. 

The funding, which enabled the organisation to employ two members of staff, allowed the team to focus on defining their focus, growing their membership and becoming self-sufficient.

sankalpa knows that powerful networks for positive change need nourishing. They provided us with the resources we needed, so we could build our network and help our members to address the most pressing challenges of our time.

Hannah Fenton, Good Food Oxford

Good Food Oxford, today 

Good Food Oxford's network continues to grow, develop its connectedness and advance local authority policy and influence local research priorities.

Key achievements:

  • 2013 — Good food oxford launched.
  • 2015 — Good Food Events became core part of both Low Carbon Oxford Week and Oxford Green Week, Held first annual 10-day Pumpkin Festival.
  • 2018 — Won Sustainable Food Cities Bronze Award, developed Oxfordshire’s Catering & Procurement Working Group, launched new initiatives to address food poverty, created the Sugar Smart Oxfordshire Campaign.
  • 2019 — Membership grew to 140 members.
  • 2021 — Report produced 'Helping the Most Vulnerable Families with Access to Food During COVID-19', and produced new cooking tutor training curriculum for organising and teaching community cookery courses.
Good Food Oxford — sankalpa supported activity Winners of the Food Cities Bronze Award, 2018
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