Creative Alternatives Online (5) — sankalpa supported activity

Creative Alternatives


Creative Alternatives is an award-winning arts on prescription service that offers people the opportunity to access a free programme, centred around creative activities, wellbeing and self-care.

Online sessions include art-activity videos, live expressive writing groups, mindfulness podcasts, interactive forums, alongside mental wellbeing and resilience information and sign-posting.

Supporting Creative Alternatives

sankalpa and St. Helens Council co-funded a 12 week Creative Alternatives pilot for 24 people.

Modelled on the existing local arts-on-prescription service in St. Helens, and delivered by sankalpa supported organisation — The Alef Trust, the pilot found that an online arts on prescription programme can plug a gap, supporting those who cannot attend local provision. The pilot also demonstrated that the Creative Alternatives model had the potential to break down boundaries, enabling people from different parts of the country to connect with each other. To build friendships and experience a sense of community, despite the physical separation and distance.

Creative Alternatives Online (3) — sankalpa supported activity

This programme really had a huge impact on me and my family. Through mindfulness, reflection and thinking about what I stand for, my husband and I decided to stop drinking alcohol altogether. Over the past few weeks, we have managed to do this together and have already noticed positive changes to our sleeping patterns and our digestion. This course was such a wonderful intervention for me.

Aimee, Creative Alternatives Online Participant

Creative Alternatives Today

Today Creative Alternatives forms part of St.Helens Council’s Cultural Hubs (Arts in Libraries Programme) which is supported through funding from Arts Council England. 

In addition to the in-person programme which has been running since 2015, the team created an online version of the programme so they could continue to support and help those experiencing poor mental health throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Creative Alternatives Online (1) — sankalpa supported activity
Creative Alternatives Online (6) — sankalpa supported activity
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